Sunday, August 14, 2011


My dreams kept me awake. I have been absent from my love here. I knew it was only a matter of time. Quieting my mind and entering my heart, I need to be alone with her...
She's been stringing at me, asking me to please come back into this room where we love each other with NOTHING else to feel but the bliss of our ONEness...
I close my eyes to see what exists in my life. 
I open them to appreciate it all.
I love where I am. I love where I am going. 
My mantra each day is to "MOVE LIKE WATER"
The moon rises and offers me light to stand in. I look at the glowing space that surrounds me and understand this is all so very meant to be...
Nature never stands still... maybe this is why I am so in love with her...
Nothing is ever the same. Change is always on the horizon. We humans are a form of Nature and yet so many find it so difficult to deal with change. Interesting...
I can't imagine my life with out all of the changes I have encountered. I have never believed in LIFE offering me any security. There is NO security that comes from outside of your heart and the relationship you have with her.
I trust in my heart and let her truth determine my route. She will never let me down. Challenges have and will continue to rise.
How else would you be able to know who you are?
When they come I am forced to take a bigger look around.
I welcome that view.
Wrangling my loud thoughts and carefully planting the flowers I want to grow in my garden. Its all up to ME. I look above and know their is space in the sky for my light so I push past the rolling clouds to shine brighter. There is so much power to find in yourself if you can just keep an open path from your mind to your heart. They are the best of friends and when they are working together in harmony, well your world becomes almost magical...
I am no expert. I am simply me. I only want to know how to be the master of MY days and look forward to everything I can learn from within them. I look inside to find the truth then I surround myself with it. Fear is the opposite of Courage. Sometimes you have to fight to stay on your side. Fight hard and fight brave. Love will always save the day.
I've opened the windows to feel the breeze come through my room... I welcome her soft, velvet like touch on my skin... She's taking me with her and I am ready to go. I don't know what's around this corner but I do know that I won't stop until I get there....
Inspirations are so important.
I am walking through my day dreams and building them a bridge to my reality. They belong together as one. THIS is my life. THIS is my art.
Never stop believing. One foot goes in front of the other. Take your time, its a gift so don't waste it. I take a sip of water and drink it slowly. There is much to look forward to. There is much to learn and discover. The future is one minute ahead of this moment. Its time to go....

"Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed."


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Good Luck

The sounds of my music entice me to be inside here, my favorite room while the grey skies outside my window calm my desire to be outside; a perfect collaboration to get me in the mood...

I have a little "good luck" bamboo tree in my bathroom and its been adding its beauty to my home for just over two years now. It sits in small, narrow glass vase and came with 3 stems.

Now I love plants but truth be told that this little tree was perfect for me because it needed very little care. I just put some water in her vase when I noticed it getting low and that's it.

About a year ago the vase fell to the ground spilling all the little pebbles and the bamboo stems out onto the floor. "Luckily" the vase did not break but one of the stems did. I cleaned up all the pebbles and put the remaining two stems back in the vase with love, placing it back in her spot. I thought about getting a new one because part of what makes this plant "lucky" is the Ancient Chinese belief behind what the 3 stalks stand for: Bring Fu (Happiness), Lu (Wealth) and Soh (Longevity).

I ended up opting out of buying a new tree because this bamboo plant was not a" lucky" charm nor was it just a decoration in my bathroom. This tree actually became a living existence in my home with me. Do I sound crazy? Maybe. But I am an artist so I can get away with sounding that way...

A few months ago I started to notice that my "lucky" bamboo tree's vase had a new little root growing inside of it. It kind of excited me for some odd reason. Maybe it was because I never gave up on her. When she fell to the ground, I picked her up and let her get back to living and from that moment she continued on her mission to grow, maybe even with more drive to live.

I have been working so hard over the past few years to lay down a strong foundation that will support my growth and bring me closer to accomplishing all of what my heart desires. I have made many sacrifices in the process for my purpose which some might say is being "mature" but I choose to recognize it as being focused. The road Ive been on has given me many obstacles all of which I look back feeling grateful for because from them, I have GROWN to be all the woman I am in this moment today.

My "lucky" bamboo tree now has two new little sprouting stems of life growing from her vase. She is blossoming to a new level of life. It didn't matter how small the path was to get there, she has stayed on course persistence and with a strong purpose. I have been loving her the whole way. Her timing aligns so perfectly with all that is currently blossoming in my life. Is it her "luck" or rather that we never quit. Not when falling to the floor, no matter how narrow the path looked at times, we pushed through the pebbles that made our path more challenging and now we have new life growing from it all.

Its an exciting time, a time that is now driving my purpose even stronger. I want to continue growing. I want to continue learning. I want to continue sharing. My little bamboo tree has been sharing her beauty with me over the past couple of years and I have been sharing my love and home for her to grow in. Support from those you love and love you is so important. Strength of purpose and self belief is just as important. Don't quit. Keep striving.
Grow your life and do not forget to celebrate the journey of it... Perseverance is priceless...


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ma FenĂȘtre

Mercury is spinning backwards so lets see how far I can go...
Think back, think hard. Move forward. Stay right where you are.
NEVER. I move like water fluid with curves.
I want to be a poem and I want to share.
I sense haste trying to get my attention. I ignore it... I don't have time for that. I'm closing my eyes so I can see what life has to offer me today...
I'm Feeling my way through every minute and I am in the mood...
The mood to lose myself to my daydreams...
To be seduced by my creativity. I have crawled deep inside myself to be here in this favorite room of mine and I am only just getting warmed up... I could be here all day and very well may be. I have earned this time with myself and I plan to indulge in it. Its so romantic actually... I want to paint for us. I want to bleed the colors of love all over a canvas. It will be a masterpiece becauseI will create from my heart.There is no other way to create in my world.
Dreaming away and casting a spell on my life. Growing my garden so beautiful, the World will feel my Love. Love is the center of my existence. I'm falling for life with in every new day; I flirt, I seduce, I enrapture my thoughts to move me forward one step at a time.
I stay in tune with the frequencies of NOW while embracing what was yesterday; from this tomorrow is born with thought and purpose.
Mystery can be sexy or it can be frightening. Knowing can be comforting or it can be boring. Hoping can be a leap of faith or a lack of confidence.
The lights outside flash before me or do they flash for me?
The questions are just as important as the answers and sometimes more fun...
I don't always want a period to at the end of my sentence. Sometimes the End is really just a new beginning and sometimes the End is a statement piece.
Accessories can make the outfit.
We have so many choices when we look outside our window. The question is how big is your view?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Turning the Corner...

One of life's great gifts to us.
An element that allows us to explore our character and grow our selves if we chose to. The Sun is rising, sleep was broken. Dreams are vivid while my eyes are open.
The clock ticks down my back whispering in my ears "try to beat me if you can."
Its an illusion. Its all an illusion... If Time flys then we are the pilot.
I am currently masterminding as I turn this corner.
Meditating on the idea that I am growing myself in preparation for the Greatness that awaits me if I stay on my path. If Time does exist then the Time is Now.
The Sun is rising and I ask him take me up where I too can shine high and bright...
I am ready.
I have answered every floating question in my mind that has tried to challenge me.
I answer with Love and Strength of Purpose.
They can't beat me. I know that is not their goal. They are there to remind me.
Every time I answer these floating questions, I have to take in my own answers and
So I win.
I win because I am Strong. I am Love. I have a straight path in front of me and their distractions do not make me look to the left nor to the right.
I stop to Laugh, to Dance, to Dream.
Life with no Curves is boring.
Today will be beautiful because I will make it so.
I am an Artist after all and even when the Clouds come out to play I prefer to except the invitation rather than hide and wait for the Sun. Staying active through life's every moment, rain or shine is a sure way to live a fulfilled one.
Simply complex.
That even looks beautiful to read doesn't it?
This is how I want to be experienced and remembered by all that I encounter.
I have been laying down layers in my life, building it up steadily with patience.
Carefully seeing that it is filled with Bright colors, Luscious flavors, Interesting textures, and Memorable patterns.
I am proud of what I accomplishing. I am proud because I am doing it all while simply being ME.
Some of my best performances have been done when challenges presented themselves to me and tried to throw me off my course.
Poor challenges.
They soon learn that there is no such thing.
My dreams and I are deeply in Love with each other.
We are destined to meet.
There is nothing, no one, that can put me off my course.
Strangely though, I appreciate the efforts.
They allow me to experience ME to the fullest and grow.
I am a very brave soul and when I turn this corner, I will see that my efforts are met with rewards more powerful than the challenges I've faced to get to them.
So here I am. In love with my destiny, facing the Challenges that test me, and laughing inside because I can already see a glimpse of what is around this bend...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Let's go shall we?

Where you ask?

You don't need that answer, just close your eyes and give my your hand.

Together we will slide around corners and jump across bridges.

The stars in the sky invite us to come out and play...

They flirt with us and whisper "there is no limit, they only exist if you put them there..."

Things are moving forward, champagne colored skies quench my thirst.

I'm hungry and life feeds me by the hand.

Where am I right now?


I could lay down on a cloud right now, close my eyes and silence the world around me.

Fall in to me.

Breathing in my world and breathing out more Life.

Vibrant, bold, I dare myself to go further, faster, stronger than yesterdays pace.

All in good time for life should not exist in haste.

Haste brings waste and not one minute of life should EVER be wasted.

Step by step my visions come out from with in and stare back at me with a smile...

Create with passion, influence with love, grow with wisdom making EVERY DAY a success.

Believe in YOU and the world will applaud for a brave performance.

Don't be fooled.


Its your story, be it, own it, LIVE IT.