Let's go shall we?
Where you ask?
You don't need that answer, just close your eyes and give my your hand.
Together we will slide around corners and jump across bridges.
The stars in the sky invite us to come out and play...
They flirt with us and whisper "there is no limit, they only exist if you put them there..."
Things are moving forward, champagne colored skies quench my thirst.
I'm hungry and life feeds me by the hand.
Where am I right now?
I could lay down on a cloud right now, close my eyes and silence the world around me.
Fall in to me.
Breathing in my world and breathing out more Life.
Vibrant, bold, I dare myself to go further, faster, stronger than yesterdays pace.
All in good time for life should not exist in haste.
Haste brings waste and not one minute of life should EVER be wasted.
Step by step my visions come out from with in and stare back at me with a smile...
Create with passion, influence with love, grow with wisdom making EVERY DAY a success.
Believe in YOU and the world will applaud for a brave performance.
Don't be fooled.
Its your story, be it, own it, LIVE IT.