Sitting up before laying down… Some woman told me today when getting my coffee “Have a Blissful day”…. And that is exactly what today has been for me, a day full of blissful vibrations… When she said this to me I thought “what a beautiful thing to wish upon someone”… perhaps if we all wished for more BLISS upon the world we would experience it more in our daily lives…
The wind roars outside my window, I encourage her to let it all out. I love to listen to her as she speaks to the trees… They laugh so hard their leaves fall to the ground… and I love when she encourages the Sea... She gets her so excited the Sea applauds with walls of water bending over into crashing waves… Mmmm... waves.... What magic and music Nature provides for us… Let go of hearing and then you will finally be able to LISTEN to all that surrounds you…
I have the itch to create, to take in knowledge, to feel a spurt of internal growth... its out there, a game of hide and go seek and I am seeking it. Like Pink Floyd said... "taking away the moments that make up a dull day"...
I love to write. To empty the pockets of my mind and hang my coat up where I can see it. A liberating experience over and over again… Who does not want to experience that?? I love when a doubt or question with fear as the root of it tries to step my way… All I have to do is confront it by literally spelling it out before my eyes and before I know it, my questions and fears become history…
This week marks the beginning of a new month and 30 new days of opportunity to be had. I love when a new month starts with a FULL MOON. The full moon offers up a chance to end things and prepare yourself for the new. Im finishing old tasks today and I've already made my list of what I want to achieve.... I am going to read it every single day this month. I plan on making this month an extra ordinary month of progress, achievement and loads of fun ;)
My horoscope for the week left me with: This week bear in mind this old and very true adage: “Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.”
I'm taking that one to heart and running to the bank with it.