I will start this little

It was a New Moon yesterday which by the laws of astrology it is a great day to start the new... new relationships, new projects and plant gardens... the energy of the New Moon is BIRTH and its metaphor is Spring... my favorite season, my BIRTH season actually...
I definitely had an amazing day out in the desert shooting with a new team and client. The pictures (rough shot posted) speak for themselves as all good pictures should...
The weather in the desert was gorgeous. It was sunny, about 73F/23C, with a perrrfect breeze of wind and when I say perrrfect I mean it just as it sounds... the wind was purring all over the sharp silence of the desert offering a peaceful sexiness to set the tone of our shoot. New relationships developed and talent was shinning through out the day. There were a few moments where I found myself staring out into the vast openness of dry, crackled land, sitting under soft clouds painted over a blue sky and thinking, "I am so grateful"... I honestly LOVE...
I could have put a million things after that word but you know what plain and simply that is the most important part of what ever it is that I would be addressing. LOVE. That is the point.
I feel very fortunate to be able to pursue my ART. It offers so much to me... From the explorations of everything like history to nature, from people to places, from challenges that GROW me, to accomplishments that become timeless... Its as if I came full circle with my ART and because of it I am rewarded with the simple and priceless confirmation that following my instincts and NEVER doing anything outside of my passion was the path I was born to ride.... and what a ride it has been... what a ride it continues to be...peaking left and right with moments of trials down the middle to keep everything balanced... after all there is NO such thing as FUN with out BORED, Happy with out Sad, CONQUER with out CHALLENGE...
Today was a new day. A day that brought some challenge. A day where my positive outlook on life still stood strong but rather than "looking to the bright side of things" I found that nothing made me feel better than a big F!*%K YOU! to my challenges... Ahhhh it was such a nice release.... I think so long as one continues to trust and believe in the good will of the universe on their side and in the choices they make, I feel every now and then, in those moments of steam wanting to burst the lid open, it can be ultra satisfying to just sign it all off with a big FKUC YOU and send it away. Why Not? It worked for me. The end result? A relaxing evening at home dishing up a tasty piece of salmon over greens with some Norwegian chocolate for desert and some much needed laziness that gave BIRTH to this little collection of words....
Leave it to a Gemini to be productive while being Lazy...
Candies finished for now so it's bed time... hee hee...
xXx R