The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's track "As Sure as the Sun" is playing for me right now...
a bit of DREAMER in the sound complimented with a bit of REBEL in their ROCK...
so HOT and perfectly sets the tone to compliment my attitude in the moment.
Flowers cannot grow in the snow
I am reminded today to water my garden...
To keep it blooming with vivid colors and blossoming with love...
Its past my bedtime but I will drop a few thoughts thanks to my inspiration (you know who you are ;))
I'm in a perfect mood to climb a mountain right now
To look at the world from above while in the hands of our sacred Mother Nature
Nature brings everything together for me... She is the ULTIMATE reminder that we were born to LIVE... and reminds us just how to do that...
It's so EASY for me to kick my heels off and bury my toes in sand, even mud, and just submit to my passion for nature... letting go of the metropolitan twin in me (until I get my art/cement itch)... I love both elements and I accredit both to the makeup of my character... HOWEVER. Nothing is as rewarding and releasing as being one with nature to me... That is the reason why I can surpass my fear of sharks and surf till dark... That is the reason why I will brave the freezing cold to go up to a mountain top and slide down it... Nature reminds us what is TRUE and what is IMPORTANT... Nature is PURE and extremely POWERFUL... In many ways NATURE is GOD in my eyes...
We are 3 days away from our NEW MOON, can you feel it? Well its obvious that I do and I know that she can feel ME too... Its time to finish up old business on a HIGH note... and all I want to do is DANCE....
A teasing mystery has tapped me on the shoulder and wants to play hide and go seek...
I'm drawn into the gameNow with patience, a virtue of mine, I swing through the minutes of the day waiting strong for the prize to seek me...
I'm spinning. I am collecting my thoughts. I am performing a balancing act while the earth shakes below me to test how bad I want it. NO FEAR. I have strong legs for a reason :)
Just deep running emotions that I love to spill and entertain myself with... my own personal reality show... just for me...
One day I will look back on these entries with a smile... just as I do when write them...
Before I send my mind to dream... I will remind myself of some of the most important words to come into my heart and touch my life...
I beg you
To have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to LOVE the QUESTIONS themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.
DON'T search for the ANSWERS which can not be given to you NOW because you would not be able to LIVE them. And the point is to LIVE EVERYTHING. LIVE the QUESTIONS NOW. Perhaps then, someday far in the FUTURE, you will gradually, without even noticing it, LIVE your way into the ANSWER... (Rainer Maria Rilke)
Poetry in motion to kiss me goodnight. Lucky girl.