This entry will be broken up into two parts: COMING and GOING…
Part 1: COMING-→ LAX/JFK June 1, 2009
It’s always nice to start a fresh approach to elements of your life on FIRSTS.
The 1st of months, the first day of a new week, the first day you entered this world aka your birthday, the first day of the New Year…
Which ever and whatever the case is for some reason when committing with a renewed line of attack towards your goals, thoughts and or ideas, it somehow feels as if there is more ability to reach success. I am feeling a strong urge to clean out my closet and offer all of my energy to bringing in the “new and improved”.
The piano whispers in my ears… I tried to read my new novel but the sweet whispers of the piano and violin tempted me to be here instead… Unraveling the thoughts that were sitting patiently on the sides of my mind waiting for me to give them attention… So here I am and here I go…
One of the very many reasons I love to travel is because it has a wonderful way of creating instant “chapters” in my life. Something is always a little bit different when I come and when I go. One of the very many reasons I love to fly so much is because it is the perfect opportunity for me to reflect and absorb the memories of the chapter I just completed… There is much to be said about of the last pages of my life before this flight... thick pages of love, questions, hope, excitement, determination and trust. There is also a strong potential for this little adventure I am embarked on to start a turning point of multiple changes in my life. Changes that I encourage and look extremely forward to seeing come together… Who knows what tomorrow brings but I definitely plan on focusing my ENERGY towards bringing fourth what my heart desires…
My. Heart. Desires.
What does my heart desire???
Many things… Most wholesome and simple. Then there are a few shameless ones in there that are provoked by my lust for some luxury in life… It’s my story and I can write it how I want to right? And I work to EARN it all…
I’ve made up my mind about a few things in my life. I have stamped my signature strength on them and officially made commitments to myself to see them through.
“How bad do you want it?” I don’t want anything badly actually… I would LOVE to see a few things appear and a few things shift in my world… In my mind there is only ONE way to see that happen… PURE DEVOTION AND FOCUS and I have a renewed sense of energy to achieving them on this first day of June…
I believe that I will have the privilege to see my desires come together in my life because I was first blessed and then CHOOSE to stay AWARE and TRUE to who I am, what I believe and what my HEART DESIRES…. I always have and so far so good…
A lot can change over night and change does not scare me… Sometimes it can be difficult to deal with but with out the challenges that our inner strength will have to face at times, we would never be able to realize how powerful we are and what we are capable of.
I know one thing for sure and that is that I don’t know one thing for sure.BUT. For all that I do know we are here with one life to live and in this life of mine I encourage myself everyday to exist at my most optimum level and enjoy the colors of life (yes that includes my beloved and often underrated GRAY)
Learn new languages and open the mind, meet new people and have interesting conversations, discover places in the world that pictures only give a bland impression to the true beauty that exists with in them, let your eyes be priceless for all they have seen when they lay to rest for the final time and let your mind be a buried treasure for all the wisdom that grew inside of it…
I am blind to what is to come of this “adventure” I am on at the moment but I can FEEL that it will bring fourth exactly what I am hoping for…
To be continued… XxX
PART 2: GOING → JFK/LAX June 2, 2009
Back in transit to the left coast where the beautiful ocean in my front yard awaits me ☺
I am sitting on this plane so grateful and would be energized by a great day but a lack of sleep and hectic schedule has left me faded on this flight- No worries, I have a super reclined chair, a lovely pillow and blanket, a glass of wine coming and a few hours alone to share in this room…
I embarked on this trip with a goal in mind. An idea that what was waiting at the end of this trip would be the start to a wonderful new adventure…an opportunity that would ultimately connect the dots in my path towards some major accomplishments I wish to achieve. Well I am so pleased to fly back to my house on the beach with a proud smile in my heart because I did it. I kept my spirit bright and focused on bringing fourth the outcome that I wanted to see develop and it did go my way. Once I know it is OFFICAL and I am confirmed with a future on this project then I will be celebrating... For now my success lies in the idea I had and the focus I put behind it that made it come to life… Even if it all stops with this day, I still will look back and read it as SUCCESS… but I know this has only just begun…
Now I will sit back, sip on my pinot noir, munch on my warmed almonds and relax… I did what I came to do and now I leave it to the universe to work out what is meant to be for me… I know she has my best interest…
I feel inspired. I read my horoscope for June written by one of my favorite astrologers last night after I wrote PART1 of this entry… it feels great to see that I am tuned in instinctually with the universe CHECK IT OUT:
While June will bring lots of action, July will be even better. June will be about resetting priorities and strategy. If you don't clear the decks and review all the elements in your life now, you won't be able to begin your new cycle with as much clean energy as you would if you did take the time to delete any elements in your life that are holding you back. If you don't go through the process of reexamination, by time you get to July 11, it will be like washing your white things in hot water, but tossing your black jeans into the same load. They don't belong there, of course, and those jeans taint your whole wash with a tinge of grey and spoil the clean freshness of that cycle. You won't want to bring anything from your past that you feel is not valuable and no longer contributes to your future. You have lots of exciting things coming up on the road ahead, and if you don't make room, you may become completely overwhelmed. June is definitely one of your power months.
I never have a plan of where I would like to start when I meet myself in this room. One thing leads to another and just like that a healthy amount of words fall from my mind all over this page… This is going to be a wonderful month for me I CAN FEEL IT… I have a lot of power behind my drive right now to keep my GAME on high and allow myself the reward of successes that will start to come with it…
I can taste the fresh made tapas in my Spanish kitchen after a day of surf is well on its way… CHEERS TO THAT!
PS... Happy Birthday Jan Petter! I don't need to wish for all your dreams and success to come true because I KNOW THEY ARE... Elsker Deg Alltid... xx88xx