That is the word that comes to my mind when I think about this passing year, 2009 in review... Many challenges were presented, BIG ones, but none that took hold of me, all of which I took hold of and gracefully moved them out of my way. For so many in the world this year might be able to say the same, or at the very least that they survived through the difficult times that they were faced. The age of innocence is over. We humans strive to create MORE. BIGGER. BETTER. FASTER. and A LOT of it. As a result we are becoming less satisfied at a faster speed and our appetite is growing even faster...
One of my brothers pointed out how much times have changed when back in the day a movie like "FOOTLOOSE" was a nominated hit. This was a story about a city boy who comes to a small town where rock music and dancing has been banned so he rebels and dances his fancy footwork through the movie and creates a following eventually winning the town over. What a concept. These days we need much, much more to feel that our $11 movie ticket is justified. We require 3-D options, starring actors who make 20 million or more, sex, tragedy, twists and turns, expensive cars, and flawless special effects... I sometimes really wish we could still be that simple to fall in love with a movie like Footloose again. Its important for my work, for my inspiration and for my growing knowledge to look into the past... to learn and sometimes just to simply reflect on what went down before today. Thinking back into this past year I simply feel grateful. I really do feel like I am living mostly everyday to it's fullest, sometimes that even means doing NOTHING but relaxing and daydreaming.
Something that a lot of us Americans have a hard time doing. We live in a powerhouse of a country and I am so appreciative for the amazing opportunities to succeed that live at my finger tips because of it. That said, those kind of opportunities are NOT everything. I really feel that my citizenship belongs to the WORLD. Capturing life's simple and quality moments in life are sacred opportunities that are so vital to a healthy and happy life. At least to this girl they are. When I lay down to sleep at night I lay with a smile in my heart, taking in the awareness that I am rich. Rich because my success is truly my journey and NOT the destinations I will arrive to. I was born to succeed in this life. To accomplish the goals I have on my list of desires. I work at it on a daily basis and there is no question that I will see it all come to fruition. I believe that part of why I am self assured in that department is because along with my hard work and focus comes my love and appreciation for LIFE. In my mind LIFE has nothing to do with money. Nothing to do with material objects. Nothing to to with status or titles. Life is the natural treasures that exist daily in our lives if we allow them to and pay attention to them when they do. I took the last week of the last year and the first week of the new year off to give respect to all of my hard work through 2009 and the work that I have in front of me in 2010. I took this time to embrace LIFE. Celebrating the Blue Moon that blessed us with her presence as we said good-bye to 2009 and toasted to 2010. Sitting on the beautiful beaches of an island I have the privilege to call home, with my best friends relaxing, laughing and appreciating everything. The only resolution for 2010 I have is to continue to stay graceful and focused through any challenges that may arise, to continue to trust my instincts and to continue to allow my passion for LIFE to be the ruler of my days.
Promises that really matter and that I KNOW I can keep..
Bonne Année and cheers to a sexy new year...
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