My latest obsession.
He is the perfect example of my mood.
He sways from one side so smoothly to the other casting a dreamy spell with every movement.
The magic that comes from his sound allows me to slow down the world around me while I keep my pace forward. Some might say their life is a movie, mine is a non stop music video, each new song spinning a new color in the mix changing the mood completely inspiring me in a new direction, mood and adventure... By the way if your wondering who "he" is, Mr. is one of my favorite songs from Smoke City's album Hero's of Nature. A song that is repeating continuously as I write this. Songs that effect my mind and heart are MORE than a mere song, they LIVE and inspire me just as a human could... Mmmm... J'aime ma musique...
There is something peeking around the corner at me at the moment... something that is enticing me to want to play. I can see a stage of evolution staring at me dead in the eyes with a smile on its face saying "welcome"... I'm skipping to it like a kid going to play hop scotch with her mates after school, excited and so READY for it.
Its time for some FUN. I practice so much discipline in my everyday life, loving all of what I accomplish before I sleep at night that now as the year comes to an end, I know I have earned some serious time to feed my spirit by kicking back, getting my surf on in WARM water and laugh my ass off with my friends...this is EXACTLY what I am about to do..
With the year closing in, I'm feeling really proud of myself. Everyday I am seeing more and more how my hard work, discipline and sheer determination is unfolding BIG accomplishments... So much change has taken place in this year for me, powerful change that continues to grow me in the very direction I desire myself to grow. Time is moving faster and there is not one day that goes by that I do not fully embrace with complete gratefulness. Focus is such a powerful talent. It's so amazing that if one really puts the discipline behind what they focus on achieving, with out failure, it will eventually come to fruition...
Not many today utilize the power of focus and especially stay loyal to the discipline needed to back it up... Hence my reasoning for finding discipline so sexy... it takes the rare and STRONG to practice those two elements in life. The rare and strong are who I gravitate to more so now than ever in my life. Funny... I'm sure many find it interesting that a free spirited Gemini like myself would be so into discipline... Ive always enjoyed taking people by surprise including myself from time to time. Balance is the KEY to success in life. With all the free spirit spontaneity in me, there also exists a very "stay on your game", focused girl driven by ambition and passion to create a masterpiece of a life and she helps to keep me walking forward on that line in the middle...
I am more tuned into the frequency of my life than ever. It's almost like a feeling of dieing and returning to life with so much appreciation to be alive. I want to continue taking full advantage of growing my garden of life with the most beautiful, colorful and interesting accomplishments and memories. If only more people would realize that life does not have to be: your a kid, you grow up, you settle down, you die...
What a waste of such a gift.
In MY life its more like your reborn in THIS life, you AND your life are blank canvases to create how ever much amazingness you wish to create inside of yourself and in the world around you... live with ambition. grow your wisdom and skills while keeping your youth... then one day when your physical body comes to an end, you can look back and be so proud of all that you are and all that you have left behind...
I see it no other way and I LIVE it exactly that way...
Everyday is a non stop celebration, my Louboutins are on the way and now I am ready for my glass of champagne...
And how would you know it was me standing tall in the Louboutins? Might those make a nice champagne glass for the celebration? As I'm thinking it would make an interesting photo, could you get up on a board wearing your new C.L.s?
ReplyDeletethere are photos at http://ahearnephoto.smugmug.com
messages are best left at pahearne@hotmail.com