Sit down, look up, let go and create...
Its early and the stillness in the air creates a sense of peacefulness that entices me to move into this room.
The piano and violin encourage me to play... play with the thoughts that lay in my mind and send them out into the real world...
It is the day of Love, Valentine's Day and the air is sweet out side from it. I am surrounded by love in my life but at the moment I do not walk around in love with anyone. Its actually an amazing thought. That one day soon or far from now, I will find myself in love again with someone... What a beautiful experience to love and to be loved back. Some people think that to have a devotion to true love makes them a "hopeless romantic"... Why would anyone ever put hopeless in that mix? I do not believe there is no hope for anyone when it comes to finding the love that they desire so long as they stay open for it to arrive and truly believe that it will...
Love is such a sacred element to life. One of the biggest gifts we could have in living. I feel that to realize love everyday is one of the elements to true success in life. That stretches beyond loving one's mate but more so about living a life full of love. Love for everything that surrounds you, the air you breathe, the challenges that strengthen you, the gifts that nature provides us like a beautiful sunset or snow flakes on Christmas day.... Love conquers all and if you truly live a life active in that philosophy then I believe you are truly connected to LIVING...
I can feel a dreamy state of consciousness taking over me today, filling me up with inspiration and slowly but surely finding its way out of my hands and onto a canvas to express.
This is the perfect day to create a vision board. Things that I love and strive for in my life. Things that make me think and feel... Things that make my love for life stronger... Keeping them close to me in vision and thought... Yes, this is the perfect day to make a Valentine for the things that light the fire in my journey of life.
Passion is something that runs through every cell in my body, that radiates through my soul... that dances to every beat in my heart and today I will romance myself with my passion for life.
Buon San Valentino...Feliz dia de San Valentin... Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag... Bonne Saint Valentin...Feliz día de San Valentín...
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