Chemistry. Chemical. I’m infected with passion. LUST. Excitement for LIVING. Yessss... its LIFE that has me spinning dizzy with laughter for I have discovered its true beauty... My day dreaming twin just LOVES to be here wandering...
I have been dying to get back here at this winking cursor that flirts with me, begging me to come out and play with her, so here I am and here we go...
I imagine what it would feel like to fly; the excitement the wind playing with my hair, the world below me, the sky above me and an endless opportunity to go and go and go...
In so many ways I feel like I am in flying in my life, I am elevated everyday higher and higher...
I feel excitement running through my body like electricity... It’s hard to sleep but I feel so good when I'm awake that I don't care. I am not sure what it is but I sense some very exciting things that will lift me to higher ground are about to arrive... I feel very connected right now. I am living in every moment with gratitude. Life is truly what you make of it. I've learned to embrace my challenges as they arrive to grow me. Everyday I want to be growing into a stronger, wiser, brighter, woman…
I decided that I am finally, after all these years, going to write a book in my life... I now feel that I really have content for a beautiful memoir... With so many amazing experiences and realizations that almost decipher a code on how to live a harmonious life, I think it can translate into some form of reading entertainment... at the very least for me.
Writing is something that sets me free, it demands nothing from me, it is a true giver... I just love to be here, alone, me, myself and I, cozy in thought taking moments to stop and frolic in my mind before meeting my winking cursor again... Mmmm the simple things in life that make me happy....
My life is about to leap into a new chapter and I am staying focused to make sure I am fully ready for it. One day at a time, I'm in no rush but rather enjoying the foreplay in thought... It's amazing when you have the ability to connect the dots in your life, to witness your own evolution...
These past few days have been really interesting, I have had more energy than usual, almost in preparation for something fresh about to come in and stir things up in a tasty way... I am exploring new territory, being present in the moment, and setting up a new mystery that I will enjoy taking my time to unravel...
Life is seducing me right now and it feels really, really good...
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