Summer came and went. It brought fourth so much goodness by means of friends, family, love, and an upswing with work. Fall departed and slowly winter creeps. Still proving to be mostly filled with exciting progress and events that bring laughter but there is always a yin to the yang and tears have also been shed on to my face.
Life brings death and death brings life. The irony is tragic and beautiful all at the same time. Everything true will come in form of a circle. The circle of LIFE. Love is whole when there are no edges, only curves. Death reminds us of life and if we stay aware everyday, we will never take a minute for granted because that minute is a gift and we ultimately never know when it will be our last.
My outlook in life is evident through my writing. I live choosing to believe that my destiny is filled with love, light, and accomplishments. I work on seeing that come to life every day that I LIVE. That’s just it, I choose to LIVE and not just be alive. I cherish the ones I love every single day. I walk around smelling the roses no matter how busy and focused I can get while in the process of working towards my goals. Nature plays such a big role in my world. Nature is real and reminds us what is true and important every time we are in touch with it. Gratefully I am a surfer and that bond will always keep me intertwined with Nature. No matter how city I live and adore the inspirations that grows from it, Nature will always be the ruler of my world...
There was a day that came this past summer that started something new and fresh. Playing with the sand as words flowed like a river after rain. Laughter that had the essence of “how I have longed to be here” in it. A feeling of surprising contentment was evident. Mystery was unleashed from it all and paved a road to an adventure. So far this adventure has enhanced my energy and continues to impress me with its undeniable charm… So much more to come with each sunset and sunrise. No expectations on this journey, simply appreciation and encouragement for the best. Time proves so much…
I sometimes feel like I have unlocked that very secret door to life. That I have learned the unspoken language of the gods, that I have tapped into the ultimate understanding of truth… this is my life, I live it with LOVE, integrity and NONSTOP appreciation for all that exists within it. There is so much more to learn. I continue to learn, create and to dream everyday… this is my fountain of youth…
The wind howls outside… What are you telling me sweet wind? You have my attention. She moves all that needs to be moved. She moves me with her strength and every changing beauty. I am so romanced by Nature… There is NOTHING more powerful than her to keep us grounded. This is my love story and I choose to LIVE it….
Hello Roxy,
ReplyDeleteIt's Patrick. We met one night at UPI offices with Jeff and Gene. Checking back into your writing and see how you are doing. Hope all's well and the wind moves you exactly as you need to be...
Patrick pahearne@hotmail.com
Hi Roxanne, suddenly felt compelled to see if you had written anything inspiring on your blog...and lo and behold...you had. It's so refreshing to read your thoughts...keep up the good work in all areas. XXO, Connie S.