It’s raining outside. How appropriate. I can hear the drops tickling the beautiful plants that grow and give us life. The plants that stand tall, impress us with their glory, and inspire us through their fragile beautiful existences. These plants remind me of a friend who has just checked out of this life and is already in his next. Its been so long since I have last been in this room. Only positive reasons have held my time from being able to sit here in silence and let my heart whisper words through my finger tips as she loves to do. I was excited every time I wondered what my next entry would be, the mood it would play into and what message would I be sending through it. I would have never guessed that I would find myself sitting here to write about the beautiful life of someone special that has left us behind. Andy Irons, a native Kauai boy, 32 years old, healthy, strong and one of the best surfers ever to paddle out into the ocean. 3 X world champion. A man who grew from birth like a brother with my best friend Keala. I don’t want to get into how it happened, records in the news can tell that story. I only want to talk about how amazing of a person he was and will always be. A BIG and kindhearted soul. He inspired so many people around this world through his skill and fail proof determination to be a champion. He will always be exactly that. A champion. He was constantly raising the bar in the surfing world and he did it with so much style.
I don’t know what comes after life. I am not a religious person. I do feel somewhere deep inside of me that when we leave this world we enter a new one someway, somehow. I know that Andy is somewhere where he is smiling and feeling the love that is circulating around the world for him right now. So much love.
This event reminds us how fragile and sacred our lives are. We just NEVER know when our last breath will be taken. I am faithful to living in the present and staying aware so that I can witness and experience every inch of my life and to the ones I love most. I know that there is no life with out death and it is so hard not to fear the unknown however, if we choose to live our lives healthy in our hearts, intentions, and actions; when that day comes we will be able to leave behind timeless inspiration to those we left behind. This is what Andy Irons has done and will be remembered for always.
Maybe something else will be triggered from me in this next week to come out and write as I do miss being here in this room so much but for now I want to dedicate this moment to Andy Irons, I hope you are somewhere as special as you.
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