Sunday, July 26, 2009


Into my favorite space.
Time is such an amazing element in life
It fucks with us and we fuck with it right back don't we,,, in fact in all fairness i believe we take turns fucking each other...
sometimes its as if Time knows something that we don't and is stringing us along on the edge of our seats waiting to discover just what exactly it is...
what is that dangling carrot leading us to?
In someways it's what ever we want it to be isn't it? Ultimately I believe that we have the power to manipulate our destinies, to mold them into what we desire by the choices we make and the actions we pursue in our every day...

I have always followed my heart. When I feel an extreme passion for something I become a slave to pursuing it. From music, to surfing, to travel, to art... in some special cases even love...
With my bow and arrow I point and shoot at the target of passion that puts fireworks in my heart, then like a hunter, my pursuit starts...

I was taught something when I was a young competitive runner from my father. These 4 words and the philosophy behind it stuck with me all these years and has made sense towards every single thing that I have been on the pursuit to achieve.

D. D. S. S.

These 4 words prove to be a valuable recipe
to achieve something that is not easy...

DESIRE- First and foremost one MUST have an extreme DESIRE to want to achieve the goal...
DISCIPLINE- There is NO way to accomplish without the discipline to do so, especially in today where there are so many tempting distractions to throw us off course. Maybe this is why I find DISCIPLINE so attractive... the challenge of keeping it alive is performance within itself...
SKILL- Skill, thinking outside the box, being creative and or having a natural flair for what ever it is that is being pursued can make the difference of gaining it or not...
STRENGTH- Yes, finally comes strength. I've always admired how strength came last because so many may think it would have to be first in the line but clearly after reading the last few sentences it's obvious why this important element towards success is not the first but the anchor in the race...

I can honestly say that out of all of the wants my heart has truly desired, the very most important and substantial wants I've successfully gained so far. It's an amazing feeling to be able to look back and know that I manipulated my journey while practicing that success recipe and captured the treasures I hunted.

Some say that I have done"so much" at such a "young age"... Well that is exactly how I did it. No fear, no question, simply just followed my heart and NEVER settled.
This is also why now I am truly able to believe that I will accomplish what sits in my heart at the moment. That said, I always leave room for things to shift at the will of the universe and I work with it because ultimately I know that what is healthy, pure and good for me is what will surface for me to celebrate.

And celebrate I shall... I love a good party...

Its amazing to acknowledge and practice the power to LIVE and ACHIEVE that I was born with. To surrender to NO ONE and NOTHING. To know that if I aim my bow just right, the energy of my passion in that pull will direct it in my favor... Targets are set and my aim is high...

Now I can go start my week...


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Chapitre 1

Sunday Stillness in the morning feels like a cat purring closely into my ears...
I LOVE the stillness and silence of a beautiful Sunday morning... Its so worth sleeping early for on Saturday night
At the moment I feel like a cocktail. Mixed.
So many things brewing around me, the clock ticks, my mind swirls to the sound of it...
Where to go from here?... Everywhere of course.
What an interesting place to be experiencing.
There is no way around this, I have to embrace it, flow with it, and rise above it.
I DO NOT play with defeat, I only laugh at it.
This is my place to roll over and breathe.
To look up at the skies in my mind and float on clouds.
To feel the breeze between my hair and flirt with the sun that shines for me.
Some might wonder, Some don't care. This room is here for me to breathe and to stare..
Off into the depths of my heart and search... Explore...Discover...and celebrate the treasures that exist with in it.
Everything is Right you see... Im EXACTLY where I am supposed to be...
The universe would have it NO other way and I always meet her halfway...
Being a SURFER teaches you how to work with what you got, to flow with it and to get ahead of the sections that pop up in front of you
Of course the better the surfer, the smarter choices you make which result in better experiences to work with and a successful run at the end of the wave
Its all part of the process and its extremely motivating...
Fire added to Air goes BOOM
Im riding that explosion to the top where I can touch the stars...

Chapitre 2

The day of the solar eclipse brought fourth so many emotions inside me me...
Sunday's mixed cocktail became a serious blend of potent ingredients...
Im happy to report that I channeled all of it in a creative direction
I wrote in my journal in front of the ocean with the sun out high and bright
I sketched in the sand while the breeze whispered in my ears
And I worked on my new painting, feeling really good about the direction it's moving in
I feel good about the direction Im moving in...

can be a gift
I wanted to erase that last line because there are many things to consider that make a difference in when exactly they are a gift and when they are unfortunate... but i don't have to explain it all, i suppose its all very individual so i will keep my sentence here because i truly believe in it.. after all who is really listening???


Saturday, July 11, 2009


"Were never going to survive unless we get a little crazy"... AWESOME words to live by and i DO (thank you SEAL)...

Oh yes you have heard me say it before, I love to scribble outside the lines, I mean who put them there anyways? I am grateful for them though. With out them how would one feel rebellious by stepping outside the box?

I love to JUMP outside the box, to breathe in the air of mystery and question, to not look back and wonder but to look forward and believe...

The sunshine that has been blanketing me these past few days has been incredible. I never stop being grateful for one second for all of the simple treasures that surround me. To be a woman is a gift. She most definitely offers up some insane challenges but when all is lined up inside and she is really connected to herself it can be the most incredible sensation. I love incredible sensations...

Tonight I'm in the mood to play. Luckily tonight I will have a playground to play on and some of my favorite musica to move to. NYC is coming to get DEEP :) My nails are painted and my heels are high. I am going to dance my way into the new week and carry the energy I get from it though out it. I sense it will be a very positive one because of it...

The energy I get from dancing is something that I plan on giving to myself until my hips officially give out. For now its on and I'm excited. Over the last 12 years of my life I have danced to so much amazing music, bonded with people who are now more like family than my best friends and most of all every single time I get a good night of music in (MY KIND OF MUSIC FAR FROM ANYTHING COMMERCIAL) I feel SO connected to myself and all the insane memories I have from all over the world in the last decade.... I swear I was Brasilian in a past life because I just keep dancing through this one just like they do regardless of status, money, rain or shine... they know how to keep it going... and I share the same passion.

SO that's me on Dancing and soon I will put on my red lips and go.

This weekend has been delicious and in some ways the start of some new adventures.

I love adventures...
