Chapitre 1
Sunday Stillness in the morning feels like a cat purring closely into my ears...
I LOVE the stillness and silence of a beautiful Sunday morning... Its so worth sleeping early for on Saturday night
At the moment I feel like a cocktail. Mixed.
So many things brewing around me, the clock ticks, my mind swirls to the sound of it...
Where to go from here?... Everywhere of course.
What an interesting place to be experiencing.
There is no way around this, I have to embrace it, flow with it, and rise above it.
I DO NOT play with defeat, I only laugh at it.
This is my place to roll over and breathe.
To look up at the skies in my mind and float on clouds.
To feel the breeze between my hair and flirt with the sun that shines for me.
Some might wonder, Some don't care. This room is here for me to breathe and to stare..
Off into the depths of my heart and search... Explore...Discover...and celebrate the treasures that exist with in it.
Everything is Right you see... Im EXACTLY where I am supposed to be...
The universe would have it NO other way and I always meet her halfway...
Being a SURFER teaches you how to work with what you got, to flow with it and to get ahead of the sections that pop up in front of you
Of course the better the surfer, the smarter choices you make which result in better experiences to work with and a successful run at the end of the wave
Its all part of the process and its extremely motivating...
Fire added to Air goes BOOM
Im riding that explosion to the top where I can touch the stars...
Chapitre 2
The day of the solar eclipse brought fourth so many emotions inside me me...
Sunday's mixed cocktail became a serious blend of potent ingredients...
Im happy to report that I channeled all of it in a creative direction
I wrote in my journal in front of the ocean with the sun out high and bright
I sketched in the sand while the breeze whispered in my ears
And I worked on my new painting, feeling really good about the direction it's moving in
I feel good about the direction Im moving in...
Challenges can be a gift
I wanted to erase that last line because there are many things to consider that make a difference in when exactly they are a gift and when they are unfortunate... but i don't have to explain it all, i suppose its all very individual so i will keep my sentence here because i truly believe in it.. after all who is really listening???
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