"Were never going to survive unless we get a little crazy"... AWESOME words to live by and i DO (thank you SEAL)...
Oh yes you have heard me say it before, I love to scribble outside the lines, I mean who put them there anyways? I am grateful for them though. With out them how would one feel rebellious by stepping outside the box?
I love to JUMP outside the box, to breathe in the air of mystery and question, to not look back and wonder but to look forward and believe...
The sunshine that has been blanketing me these past few days has been incredible. I never stop being grateful for one second for all of the simple treasures that surround me. To be a woman is a gift. She most definitely offers up some insane challenges but when all is lined up inside and she is really connected to herself it can be the most incredible sensation. I love incredible sensations...
Tonight I'm in the mood to play. Luckily tonight I will have a playground to play on and some of my favorite musica to move to. NYC is coming to get DEEP :) My nails are painted and my heels are high. I am going to dance my way into the new week and carry the energy I get from it though out it. I sense it will be a very positive one because of it...
The energy I get from dancing is something that I plan on giving to myself until my hips officially give out. For now its on and I'm excited. Over the last 12 years of my life I have danced to so much amazing music, bonded with people who are now more like family than my best friends and most of all every single time I get a good night of music in (MY KIND OF MUSIC FAR FROM ANYTHING COMMERCIAL) I feel SO connected to myself and all the insane memories I have from all over the world in the last decade.... I swear I was Brasilian in a past life because I just keep dancing through this one just like they do regardless of status, money, rain or shine... they know how to keep it going... and I share the same passion.
SO that's me on Dancing and soon I will put on my red lips and go.
This weekend has been delicious and in some ways the start of some new adventures.
I love adventures...
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