I'm staying awake to listen to the dark... Its the ending of a chapter and I can feel the seasons changing. I don't know what day it is nor could I tell you the time... I'm spinning with my eyes wide open and there are colors all around me... One shade for every emotion that is swimming inside of my heart at the moment... She beats so fast, she is protecting me always... she whispers to my mind "do not worry, I am your soulmate and I will always be here for you"... I am blessed to have her, I could never want anything more than her loyalty and love.
Its so important to LOVE yourself. This is the ONLY way you can ever truly love anyone else. To love someone else is journey, a very important journey that at it's best will grow you and at it's worst it will attempt to destroy you... I absolutely believe that there is a sacred kind of love for everyone who doesn't stop believing that there is. I also believe that in this day and age its healthy to experience a variety of experiences loving and being loved by different people. How else can we really know what we want and what we don't want. It's so wonderful the feeling of LOVE when its mutual and elevating. Its horrible when that same love turns into a break up and all of what was before, that made you feel so good are the very things that hurts you he most when you have no choice but to remember all of it...
Break up's. Yuck. Never fun. For either the heart breaker or the heart broken... It's almost as if everyone has to experience it at some point to be human. Have you ever tried to embrace the pain that can step from love? To stop yourself in the very moment of a tortured heart and be still so you can absorb the beauty of FEELING? It is a gift to be able to have your heart broken because it means that you were able to open it to LOVE and to be able to LOVE is the ultimate gift in life. Its a complete turn around when you can embrace that pain and actually I think it displays a sense of control that you posses over the situation rather than it controlling you.
Work it with, go with it, spin with it. Don't let it take you from YOU, let it bring you closer to YOU... it can if you allow it too...
Its obvious through my writing that I believe that we posses the power to live the way we want to live, rise to and above the emotions that surface in us, manipulate our destines by the choices we make and the way we view life and ultimately own our life rather than having it own us...
I feel the leaves loosening up preparing to fall. Fall... reminds me of so many different and important times Ive experienced in my life... Some of which challenge my emotions at the moment but I'm not surrendering to the challenge... I am going to look deeper into it and send it away properly. Its official. It's time for certain things that I cherished to be repositioned and clear my path so I can make room for AMAZINGness to step in front of me... I deserve it and I have the POWER to make that happen.
My whole life I have been writing. There were times when I would be sitting somewhere waiting perhaps in a line, for a friend-whatever- but I remember in those moments I would search for a piece of paper and pen because I had things that I just had to get out and put in front of my eyes to see... Communication is my gift. Translating through my hands is my passion. When I write I am forcing (with pleasure) my eyes to be confronted with my thoughts, ideas, goals and emotions... The minute it leaves my mind through my hands and becomes visible for me to see it becomes a commitment. A commitment to myself to witness and grow from my entries from the feelings and determination in my words. The biggest let down I could ever feel is me letting myself down. That's why I work so hard to make sure that I never do...
I know that as long as I continue to keep unwrapping events in my life as GIFTS regardless if they make me feel happy or sad, regardless if i understand them or are questioned by them... I will be able to look back and smile at the RICH life I have been lucky to have lived...
"Its easier to die than to LOVE... that's why I go through the trouble of living my LOVE"
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