What an amazingly wonderful place to be... A HIGHER state of consciousness...
A sensation that keeps all positive and uplifted, through trials and tribulations... the mind stays clear, focused and ready to make moves... The spirit is bright for all to see, the soul is alive and breathing the body through any areas of discomfort, pushing it carefully into a place of STRENGTH...
Love is all around me, I had the most wonderful weekend with some of the worlds most beautiful spirits that I am proud to call my friends and family... I danced my hips off of my body to incredible musik that I swear I could feel deep inside my inner existence...
Music... Wow. Music... Paves the road for me to dance through my life... Keeps the backdrop colorful and encouraging... Music has glued together so many pieces of my picture, gratefully no longer a puzzle but still so offering so much fantastic mystery... I love mystery, it allows for the mind to wander and to grow ideas, to push fourth direction and strive for something. HOPE.
New York. My heart. My home. Ive said it here before but I'm going to say it again. I was NOT born in New York BUT I WAS BORN TO LIVE IN NEW YORK and that is why I did for some very special years of my life. New York is the gateway to the world and I am so grateful for my connection to it and for it's connection to me... It has proved to me that when I FEEL I belong somewhere, I ABSOLUTELY DO. I know that I have more territory to cover when it comes to adopting different cities in the world to call home. To love where your at is so important. There is not one day I do not look outside my window to see the sun and ocean with thoughts of pure gratefulness. I LOVE my home. I'm not stopping here though. I have my heart set on bringing another beautiful city in particular into my home life and I will get what I want if it's meant for me to have. My adventure is clear. I'm on the move. The world offers up so many flavors and I have a HUGE appetite for it...
Culture is such a gorgeous thing and to BE cultured is a blessing... To be in touch with the world and to live with no judgement is one of the keys that will unlock the doors in life and allow for the most amazing experiences... Looking at life from Birds eye view allows me to see all that surrounds me, not just focusing on what is in front of me or what Ive left behind...It keeps me in harmony with what I cannot see or understand. This feeds my faith in my instincts and my instincts are my reliable wing men on this journey I'm on so without perfect LOVE and perfect TRUST in them I would be scattered...
I feel like I have grown a deeper fascination for life which allows me to look at things in a different shade of light than the "norm"... I can look at my challenges straight in the eyes and KNOW that I will not be defeated. I accept their battles for they offer me so much wisdom and strength and I gain more personal respect for myself when I conquer them... To have a deep personal respect and sincere LOVE for yourself is THE key to staying connected in MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT... once you gain that balance... well, then you can fly over rainbows if you want to... Clean out your closet, make room for change, keep your feet on the ground but your mind in the sky... Grow taller in your ideas and let your heart be as deep as the ocean...
Step up on YOUR stage and be your own audience, the show must GO on...
It's the simple things in life that offer the most beauty and substance... Somehow the simple things in life are the most complicated for most to grasp and understand... Crack that code and the party begins... I FEEL the wind turning in a direction that will let my wings glide through the sky and birds will applause my flight. This is all what YOU want it to be and that is the absolute TRUTH. I don't read "self help" books (nothing wrong with them just not my thing) instead I close my eyes, fall backwards into my dreams and allow them to push me forward...
They have never let me down, they have only taken me HIGHER and opened up so much room for life to offer me the secrets and treasures of how special it can be... Bring your treasures to YOU, they are waiting for you, perhaps OVER a RAINBOW... come and bring them to LIFE... .
I'm giggling at the thought of how much fun I'm having...
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