Is where I have been in the past week since FL...
Houston received 4 stars thanks to my perfect day spent at the Fine Arts Museum
After flying in from Tampa we had 2 days off, the only 2 days off back to back through out the whole tour, so arriving in hot Texas was an exciting moment!
We stayed at a nice hotel with interesting Texan decor such as blood red paisley wall paper to go with framed pictures of cows and asian inspired lamps...POSH...
Still the food was awesome in the restaurant downstairs where I ate every meal paired with some luscious wines throughout my 2 days there. Yes they even had my favorite... flour-less chocolate cake..MmMmm...
Food gave it 1 STAR*
Then there was a killer gym, stylish and nicely equipped. I managed to get in there through my whole stay there. committed. Our rooms came with these amazing jet streamed Jacuzzi tubs, which I sunk in after every workout... so good I had to give Texas another STAR**...
Friday I went with some of the girls to see Vicky Christina Barcelona the new Woody Allen film. It was EVERYTHING i could of hoped for from Woody Allen and my starring city, Barcelona. To be visibly reminded of how amazing ESPANA is and the culture that exists within it, just fueled my fire even more... Not that I ever forget as it is in the forefront of my mind everyday, however to see Gaudis work as displayed through out the film, along with the spanish relaxed lifestyle filled with more quality events than meaningless ones, just inspired me to stay strong on my journey because sooner than later I will have my spanish villa :) A positive and inspiring night in Texas...
The final 2 **STARS** come in on my beautiful Saturday afternoon... I caught the metro and headed over to the Museum of Fine Arts where there was an exhibit on the painters of Le Fontainebleau. The French Impressionists are some of my FAVORITE artists and to see so many beautiful displays of there work in one BIG place kept me in total "AW" for hours...
It was simply me, my music (Cafe Del Mar, Gotan Project- Galore), and the ARTS.... Ahhhh....
5 hours later after devouring painting by painting from the French Impressionist, to the Post Impressionist, from the Renaissance to Baroque and so much more; I was almost in sensory overload. With one hour left open, I went down to the amazing gift shop where I spent it all browsing through all the things I wanted- from children's books, the painting kits... then I remembered I was on a tour and extra luggage simply is a pain in the ...
When I finally got out I felt like I was walking on clouds... the air was warm and nice with a slight breeze that added to my musics rhythm that played in my ears... Caught the metro back, (LOVED how simple it was to do so by the way-only a buck to get from point A to point B) andI was back to my hotel in minutes.
After a glass of Merlot and a change of clothes I went downstairs to eat some food while looking at a book I did purchase, the encylopedia of ART (the 2nd was a book on WINE-yummy). Matty met up with me later while I was eating to share some drinks and a flourless chocolate cake (HELLO OF COURSE I WOULD HAVE IT AGAIN! MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GOOD FOOD WHEN ON THE ROAD!). We ended up going back to this dive bar he found around the corner that was pretty RAD actually. I drank water while he and the bartender took down a shot together. This bar had an abstract kick to it with interesting decor and strange bathrooms... It was a mix between NYC's Beauty Bar and some Lower East Side meets Echo Park watering hole... like I said... pretty RAD...
That pretty much wrapped my last night in Texas- YEE HAW!!!