a rainy, thundering, lighting storm romances the sky here in Connecticut on my day off...
still in my PJ's after a nice late, late breakfast...ok i'll call it lunch...
researching the net for things that make me smarter :), stopping to think, practiced my yoga, and all to the sounds of Cafe Del Mar...
Days like today are so important to me, the sun does not always have to shine outside so long as I can keep it shining in my heart... I appreciate weather like today because it surfaces reflection, and encourages inspiration inside of me...
I miss my boyfriend who is sleeping under the Balinese moon right now...exactly 12 hours away... but still always right next to me... he is the best reward i could ever have at the finish line of this tour...
i have been getting an itch lately... a creative itch... the kind where i need to sit in a book store for hours and lose myself in it as i LOVE to do... its an amazing feeling because it confirms my devotion to fashion and the culture of the arts that go with it... i must shoot fashion soon...
Grey skies bring forth so many great memories in my life, so many precious moods I have swayed in and out of... most might associate grey with sadness but being a devoted Morrissey lover for 19 years, I am used to people misunderstanding what depressing truly is...
Have you ever noticed how the green in trees and grass burst so vividly with a grey sky as the backdrop? I have...
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to call a day off for your self and your loved one to enjoy together by doing nothing but the simple things in life, like laying in bed and watching movies while it rains outside? I have...
Can you go back and recall moments of inspiration and creativity on days of grey skies and rain? Some of my best ever stemmed from those days...
Have you ever heard the saying "life is not always black and white but in fact the grey in between"?... Well I visit that grey everyday for that grey is the emotional, non logical side to life... with full respect to logic of course (hello I am a gemini, cerebral as can be) but i find that the grey is the balance to 1+1 forever equalling 2... sometimes we need to look deeper than logic to dive into a state of conscious awareness, a place I have been blessed to find at a very young age...a place that keeps me centered and on a continuing road to eternal balance... TRUE SUCCESS in LIFE...
Its a powerful thing to be alone, to stop all voices around you and listen to the silence that whispers like wind... Today brings me back to my life in Paris...I listened to the whispering wind so much there all while having Le Tour Eiffel and city lights shine for me... So many quite walks to myself with the arts of the city as my scenery... Europe is a different way of EXISTING... I think they have the essential elements to living a fulfilling life wired. Family, friends, good food, good drink, culture, education, career, holidays to enjoy with the people they love... I could not put that equation any better myself. Fortunately I have discovered this special equation and calculate it into my life in America...
A good friend of mine said to me in NYC, yes LA has been good to you but even when living in NYC, you were always a bit of a California Girl... I had to fine tune that thought of his and explain to him... "I am not California, NYC or anything one place on that note... I am a cocktail of the world, places I have lived and visited, and even places I have yet to discover yet but soon will"... How can a girl born in California, who spent years living in Hawaii and New York city, went to school in Paris, comes from a persian mother, has a Norwegian boyfriend, is musically obsessed with foreign tracks and words she cannot understand but only feel to, and will soon own a home in Spain, be from any one place? He was in full agreement, after all he is one of my dearest friends and is a native Hungarian...
I am truly a citizen of the world with some select favorite places that I feel close to in spirit. Europe does master a strong equation to living good, however, being American we are born with the embedded idea and the actual ability that with the desire, the right determination and proper efforts we can turn a grain of sand into a beach. I admit to being a fan of that concept and strive to make my beach every day of my life... with that said I never fail to stop and appreciate grey skies and rain... the small things in life that make life beautiful...
Im going to go Enjoy the Silence...
xox r
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