First is my brother Darius's B-day- I love and
miss you! Happy Birthday!!!
Next is Ricardo's B-day, who is turning people out on the dance floor right at his private party in NYC- Happy B-day!!!
Then comes my numerology # (birth force#) which happens to be the number 8... it has always been my favorite # even b4 I knew it was my birth force number... It is the # that represents INFINITY and VICTORY ( i can work with that!)... The top portion of the eight represents my Spiritual side, the bottom my Materialistic... I work best in life when striking a balance between both... these days Im proud to say I do a good job of living in the middle of my 8...
Good fortune comes in 3's and today the universe dealt us a beautiful 8.8.8- its even visually stimulating to me- todays date has always played a roll in my signature when expressing deep love for someone... infinite love...
Numbers have vibrations and vibrations are energy... I was born on the day of ENERGETIC TRANSMISSION... my energy today was very much to myself, in fact I worked with my IPOD in my ears all day and because of it my setting was different... I felt like I was in my own atelier, painting on canvases, creating beautiful work... it was a different touch and very satisfying...
For many years now it has been a symbolic goal of mine to own an 8nf8n8ty pool one day... to sit in that pool and over look some beautiful setting with the feeling of total accomplishment...I'm not sure where that will be or when, but ultimately I feel its good to have goals that push you to strive... it might seem materialistic but I'm a firm believer that you have to have a little luxury in life after all the work it takes to live... I plan on doing exactly that and already have a great taste for it...
So on this day of 8nf8n8te love and good fortune, I remind of myself of the infinite love I have for my family, boyfriend, and friends... Its also a reminder of my goals in life both spiritual and materialistic, I've powered up the focus in my journey to reach my accomplishments... X marks the spot... ;)
Happy 888 day
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